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Yan-Qiu Song

Date:2021-12-07  Source:   ClickTimes:


Yan-Qiu Song, Ph.D., Associate Professor

School of Management Science and Engineering, Central University of Finance and Economics

Research Field

Innovation Ecosystem Synergetic Evolution, Complex Networks and its Applications, Innovation Investment Decision etc.

Contact information



1. School of Management Science & Engineering, Central University of Finance and Economics, NO. 39 South College Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China 100081

2. Room 339, building 4, Shahe campus of Central University of Finance and Economics, Shahe High Education Park, Changping District, Beijing, China 102206

Education Background

Sep., 2005 – Jan., 2010 Dalian University of Technology, Liaoning, China    

                                       Ph.D. in Management    

                                       Major in Technical Economics and Management              

                                       Supervisor: Prof. Dashuang Dai

Sep., 2003 – July, 2005 Dalian University of Technology, Liaoning, China

  Master in Management

  Major in Technical Economics and Management

  Supervisor: Prof. Dashuang Dai

Sept, 1999 – July, 2003 Dalian University of Technology, Liaoning, China

  Bachelor of Science in Management

  Major in Information Management and Information System

Work Experience

Oct., 2014 – Dec., 2019 Department of Project Management, School of Management Science & Engineering; Director.

Nov., 2013 – Present School of Management Science & Engineering, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China; Associate professor.

Apr., 2010 – Oct, 2013 School of Management Science & Engineering, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China; Assistant Professor.

July, 2013 – July, 2014 Haas School of Business, University Californian of Berkeley; Visiting scholar funded by China Scholarship Council (CSC).

Academic Title 

Committee member, City Transformation and Innovation Research Committee of China Urban Studies Society

Communication reviewer, the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

Teaching Course

Undergraduate Courses: Project management, Project appraisal, Project finance, Technology innovation management, System engineering, City’s Future

Graduate Course (For master): Innovation management research, Advanced project management

Awards and Group Memberships

Dec., 2020 Excellent Lecturer in Beijing Colleges and Universities

June, 2012 Outstanding Teacher Award; Investment award fund of Central University of Finance and Economics

May, 2011 Award of excellence; Basic skills competition for young teachers; Central University of Finance and Economics

Research Funding

Principle Investigator

1. Research on Innovation Ecosystem Synergetic Evolution Mechanism Design and Empirical StudyNational Natural Science Foundation of China2019.01-2022.12Principal Investigator.

2. Research on Governance Research for Dynamic Project Organization in Complex Product and Systems, National Natural Science Foundation of China (For youth scholars), 2013.01-2015.12, Principal Investigator.

3. Research on Synergy Innovation Model and Mechanism Design of Science and Technology Finance, Supported by Program for Innovation Research in Central University of Finance and Economics,2015.07-2016.06, Principal Investigator.

4. Digital collaborative manufacturing model research, Support by the National Defense Foundation of China,2012.01-2012.12, Principal Investigator.

Journal paper

1. Guijun Li, Tanxiaosi Luo, Yanqiu Song*, Spatial equity analysis of urban public services for electric vehicle charging—Implications of Chinese cities, Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 76, January, 2022, 103519, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2021.103519.

2.Guijun Li, Tanxiaosi Luo, Yanqiu Song*, Climate change mitigation efficiency of electric vehicle charging infrastructure in China: From the perspective of energy transition and circular economy, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2021, 106048, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2021.106048. (online)

3. Song Yanqiu, Hu Jun , Qi Yongxin. Study on Time-lag effect of innovation value transformation: Based ontime series network model[J],Science Research Management, 2021,09.(online) (InChinese)https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/11.1567.g3.20210907.1608.020.html

4. Song Yan-qiu, Qi Yong-xin, Gao Ting, Wang Yao-qi. Government Innovation Subsidies, Innovation Vitalityand Innovation Performance of Enterprises[J], Economist, 2021, (06): 111-120. (In Chinese)

5. Yanqiu Song, LingzhiShangguan, Guijun Li. Simulation analysis of flexible concession period contracts in electric vehicle charging infrastructure public-private-partnership (EVCI-PPP) projects based on Time-of-use (TOU) charging price strategy[J], Energy, 2021,Volume228,1stAugust,120328. DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2021.120328.

6. Zhang, Yu-Jie, Kou Meng, Ting Gao, Yan-Qiu Song, Jun Hu, and En-Peng Ti. 2020. Analysis of Attention on Venture Capital: A Method of Complex Network on Time Series. International Journal of Modern Physics B34(29):2050273.DOI: 10.1142/S0217979220502732

7. SONG Yanqiu, ZHANG Yujie, WANG Yaoqi, GAO Ting. Dynamic Influence Evaluation Based on Multi-Layer Network ofChinese Corporate Venture Capital (CVC)[J].J. Sys. Sci. & Math. Scis, 2020,40(6): 1-15.(In Chinese)

8.SONG Yan-qiu, LI Hui-jia, WANG Qian, LI Gui-jun. Measurement and Empirical Research of Synergy in Complex Systems Based on Kolmogorov Entropy [J]. Operations Research and Management Science, 2020, 29(05):189-197. (In Chinese)

9. Li, Guijun, Jun Hu, Yanqiu Song, Yingxuan Yang, and Hui-Jia Li. Analysis of the Terrorist Organization Alliance Network Based on Complex Network Theory. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 103854–62.

10. Song YQ , Wang Q, Li H J , et al. Modeling and simulation of enterprise innovation investment decision basedon system dynamics[J]. Systems Engineering —Theory & Practice, 2018, 38(12): 3097-3108.(In Chinese)

11. Song Yanqiu, Zhang Yujie, Wang Yaoqi. Performance of Diversification Investment Strategy of Corporate Venture Capital in China: Empirical Study Based on Moderate Effect of Resource Endowment [J]. Technology Economics,2018,37(10):45-54.(In Chinese)

12. SONG Yan-qiu, LI Gui-jun, LI Hui-jia. Community Label Detection Algorithm Based onPotential Back ground Information[J]. Computer Science, 2018, 45(6A):314-317,347.(In Chinese)

13. SONG Yan-qiuLI Gui-junZHANG Ya-ningRAN Ai-jing. Research on Dynamic Relationship between Team Outcome and Individual Performance in Innovative Project: A Modeling and Simulation based on Knowledge Sharing[J].Soft Science,2018(05):75-80. (In Chinese)

14.Song Yan-Qiu, Yang Lan. A System-dynamics-based Research on Dynamic Capabilities in CoPS Project[J]. Science Research Management, 2017, 38(10):150-160. (In Chinese)

15. Xie Ze-ZhongSong Yan-QiuQu ChengWang Si-Rou. The Relationship between Staged-financing Strategy and Portfolio Company's Innovation: the Moderating Role of Entrepreneurial Team's Heterogeneity[J]. Investment Research, 2017,36(03):96-107) (In Chinese)

16. LIU Xiao-bing, RAN Ai-jing, SONG Yan-Qiu. Exploratory Multi-case Study on the Effect of Team Heterogeneity on Employees’ Perception and Performance: From the Perspective of Justice[J]. Journal of Management Case Studies, 2017, 10(2):148-161) (In Chinese)

17. Fu Jia-Cheng, Song Yan-Qiu. An empirical study of Chinese corporate venture capital (CVC)’s investment strategies and performance Investment Research[J], 2016,35(6):29-44) (In Chinese)

18. SONG Yan-qiuGAO TingLI Gui-jun. A Study of the Financing Preference of Tech SMEs: An Exploratory Multiple-Cases Study Based on Four Tech SMEs in Beijing[J]. East China Economic Management, 2016, 30(9):157-164.  (In Chinese)

19. Song Yan-qiuLu Zi-ye. Effect Mechanism of the Dynamic Capacityon CoPS Project Organization[J]. Forum on Science and Technology in China, 2016,12:83-89. ) (In Chinese)

20. Lu Zi-ye, Song Yan-qiu, Zhang Meng. Supplier Selection and Evaluation Index System Based on Borda-choice Method[J]. Science and Technology Management Research, 2015,07:192-197 (In Chinese)

21. LI Yu-long, ZHU Yu-feng, SONG Yan-qiu, LI Gui-jun. Circulation Maturity Assessment on Rural Land with the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Journal of Central University of Finance & Economics, 2015,(9):63-70. (In Chinese)

22. Song Yan-Qiu, Li Yu-Long, Li Gui-Jun, Jia Chuan-Liang. Governance Structure of Complex Product and System Project: Research Based on Stakeholder Theory [J]. Technology Economics, 2014, 33(6): 99-100 (In Chinese)

23. GAO Tian-hui, SONG Yan-qiu, DAI Da-shuang. Study on the Demand for Policy Support in the Development of High-tech Industry: Case Study on the Software Services Industry in Dalian[J]. Journal of Management Case Studies, 2013, 6(6): 440-448 (In Chinese)

24. Song Yan-Qiu, Lu Zi-Ye. A Study of Project Organizational Agility Efect Mechanism for Complex Product and System[J]. Management Review, 2013, 25(9):29-39. (In Chinese)

25. Song Yan-Qiu, Li Mei-Lan. A Multi-case Study on Dynamic Adjustable Project Organization Structure for Complex Product and System [J]. Journal of Management Case Studies, 2012, 5(2): 114-127.)(In Chinese)

26. Gao Tian-Hui, Song Yan-Qiu, Zhang Meng, Dai Da-Shuang. Study on Performance Evaluation of Governmental Input of Hi-tech Enterprises Based on Borda Method [J]. Technology Economics, 2012, 31(7):28-33. (In Chinese)

27. LI Yu-long, SONG Yan-qiuLI Gui-junSHI Xiao-hang. Research on the optimal allocation of infrastructure carrying capacity based on minimum cost with a Two-Stage programming method[J]. Journal of Engineering Management. 2012,26(6):41-47.(In Chinese)

28. Jia Chuan-LiangLi Zhe-FuSong Yan-Qiu. Research on Emergency Resource Dispatching Model Based on Cost-Benefit Analysis, Systems Engineering Procedia, 2012, (5): 295-300

29. Song Yan-Qiu, Jia Chuan-Liang, Gao Tian-Hui. Study on Effectiveness of Contract Model on Cooperative Innovation in Complex Product System [J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2011, 19(2): 155-160. (In Chinese)

Conference paper

1. Song Yanqiu. Government subsidy model for electric vehicle charging infrastructure based on time-of-use electricity price. 2019 CUFE-VU CONFERENCE CENTRE FOR RESEARCH ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS, 2019.07.08-07.10.

2. Song Yanqiu. The Effect of Venture Capital Syndication on the Performance of Chinese IPOs. 2019EURAM(2019 EURAM), 2019.06.24-06.27.

3. Song Yanqiu. Research On Synergy Degree Between Tech-innovation And Sci-tech Capital. 2017 INFORMS ANNUAL MEETING(INFORMS2017), Houston, Texas, USA, 2017.10.22-10.25.

4. Song Yanqiu, A System Dynamic Model for Examining the Significance of Knowledge Sharing to the Dynamic Capability for Project-Based Organization. European Academy of Management 2017(EURAM2017), Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 2017.06.19 -06.24

5. SongYan-qiu, The Relationship Between Deep Level Diversity and Team Benefits: A Mixed Method from China, 2016 INFORMS ANNUAL MEETINGNashville, America, 2016.11.13-11.16

6. Song Yan-qiu, Li Gui-jun, Ran Ai-jing, Gao Ting. Impact of Public Policies on Innovative Enterprises in China: Key Elements for Enterprise Development as Mediators, 2016 11th International Forum on Knowledge Asset DynamicsIFKAD2016, Dresden, Germany2016.6.15 -6.17

7. Gao Ting, Song Yan-qiu, Wang Yao-qi, Li Gui-jun. Financing Preferences of High Technology Startups in China: An Explorative Study, 3rd Global Economy and GovernanceTaiwanChina2015.09.04-09.06

8. Song Yan-qiu,Yang Lan, Li Gui-jun, Gao Ting. Knowledge Sharing and dynamic capability: A system dynamic model for innovation projects organization, 10th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics, Bari, Italy, 2015.06.10-06.12


1.Song Yan-Qiu, Wang Yan-Qi. Science and Technology Finance Analysis: The Annual Report on Beijing(2018), Beijing: Economic Science Press. 2019.07.(In Chinese)

2.Song Yan-Qiu. Project Governance for Complex Product and System, Beijing: Economic Science Press. 2013.8 (Based on my doctoral dissertation (In Chinese)


1. Li Guijun, Song Yanqiu, Wang Yaoqi. Investment Project Appraisal(3rd Edition). China Financial Publishing House, Beijing.  ISBN987-7-5220-1213-1. (In Chinese)

2. DaiDashuang, Zhu Fangwei, Song Yanqiu. Project Management (3rd Edition), Higher Education Press, Beijing, ISBN:978-7-04-055746-6. (In Chinese)

3. Song Yan-Qiu. Case Study of Project Management. China Architecture & Building Press. Beijing. 2013.8(ISBN978-7-112-21423-5.)(In Chinese)


1. Selection of management mode of HX bank information science and technology project, The second class award of MBA case paper contest (The first author), Central university of finance and economics. 2012.12.

2. The governance structure of complex product system project - Research Based on Stakeholder Theory, Annual excellent paper award (The first author), Chinese Society of Technology Economics. 2015.11.



pre:Dahai Fu

next:Jian Yu

Contact Information

Address: 39 Xueyuan South Road, Haidian District, Beijing

Post code: 100081

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