时 间: 2019年2月27日,下午3:30-5:00
地 点:中央财经大学(学院南路校区)学术会堂 606
主 讲 人:Randy Henning,美国大学国际经济学教授、皮特森国际经济研究所客座研究员(1995-2013)
评 论 人:王信,中国人民银行货币金银局局长、研究员
主 持 人:张礼卿,中央财经大学金融学院教授、国际金融研究中心主任、全球金融治理协同创新中心主任
Professor Randy Henning specializes in international and comparative political economy, global governance and regional integration. He has focused recently on international regime complexity and the euro crisis, the evolution of European integration, regional arrangements in East Asia, fiscal federalism, and the Group of Twenty. He has authored and edited a number of books and journal articles. Currently, he is conducting projects on the fragmentation of global financial governance and the challenges posed by regional cooperation in Europe and Asia for multilateral institutions.