【全球金融治理系列讲座第18期】Regional Financial Arrangements and the International Monetary Fund
演讲嘉宾:C. Randall Henning,American University
主讲嘉宾简介:C. Randall Henning is Professor of International Economic Relations in the School of International Service at American University in Washington, D.C. He specializes in international and comparative political economy, global governance and regional integration, focusing recently on the International Monetary Fund, East Asian financial arrangements, and Europe’s monetary union. His most recent book is Tangled Governance: International Regime Complexity, the Troika, and the Euro Crisis (Oxford, April 2017). He is also author, co-author or editor of Global Financial Governance Confronts the Rising Powers (with Andrew Walter; CIGI, 2016), Global Economics in Extraordinary Times (Peterson Institute, 2012), Fiscal Federalism: US History for Architects of Europe’s Fiscal Union (Bruegel, 2012), and Governing the World’s Money (Cornell University Press, 2002), among other books. He has published articles in International Organization, Review of International Political Economy, Journal of Common Market Studies, Global Policy, Development and Change and The World Economy. His previous appointments include service as Visiting Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics. Currently, he is conducting projects on regional financial arrangements, the IMF and fragmentation of global economic governance.